Article: According To Science, Thor’s Hammer Would Destroy The Earth

•March 24, 2014 • Leave a Comment

According To Science, Thor’s Hammer Would Destroy The Earth

A Prime Belief to Live By

•October 14, 2013 • Leave a Comment

Jane Roberts as Seth explaining our right to exist:

Modern Lucid Dream Pioneer, Robert Waggoner

•October 7, 2013 • Leave a Comment


A brilliant dream explorer.  His book, Lucid Dreaming: Gateway to the Inner Self, is a game changer.

When the Bells Stop…

•December 20, 2012 • 1 Comment

Silent Witnesses for Newtown, Connecticut

It’s in our most insane moments that our heart yearns to “go back to
a place of peace and sanity.”  Not so much to deny or avoid our pain
but more so to dive into a place in us that heals it.  A place that
holds a certain wisdom that our usual day-to-day grind and list-making
mind doesn’t allow.

Whenever we experience trauma as a nation, through all the anxiety and
tears and pain, at one point we are drawn to honoring the
inconceivable with a moment of silence.  The heart knows what it

Tomorrow morning our nation will be bearing silent witness to
26 bell tones for each of the victims of Sandy Hook Elementary School.
I am looking forward to this shared moment of peace and compassion
and sanity.  There’s a certain softening of the heart that happens
when people experience that kind of sacred silence together.

So much of our everyday pain and suffering is caused by a sense of
mindlessness because we’ve been caught up in the highspeed
rollercoaster pace of “life.”  I put life in quotes because I’m not
quite sure that a life of endless demands and strict deadlines is
really living at all.  It squeezes us out of the tender, peaceful, and
playful moments we could be having with one another.  We don’t look
each other in the eyes as much or hug our loved ones as much at this speed.

The sad thing is that we do it to ourselves.  At any moment we could
choose differently.  I know for me, more often than not, when I
haven’t taken some time for that kind of reflection I’m more apt to
react with anger or jump to conclusions and judge others harshly.  And
when I have, I’ve usually experienced a little miracle between my
heart and someone else’s.

I hope tomorrow’s contemplative stance in remembrance of the lives
lost in Newtown doesn’t stop when the bells do.  Let’s continue to
honor those we’ve lost (and those still by our sides) by showing up
for each other with peace and clarity.  Let’s all pause more.  Breathe
more.  Reflect more.  Pray more.  Meditate more.  Whatever form of
“going back to that place of peace and sanity” we prefer I hope we do
it more.

A moment of stillness when we wake up.  Before we start the meeting.
Before we send off that email.  Before we decide to tell someone what
we think they should be doing.  Before we respond to criticism.
Before we go to sleep.  Just a brief moment.

It’s in those moments that we gather the energy and clarity to see
each other for who we really are: brothers and sisters sharing a
journey.  A journey that might not always be easy but one that still holds
infinite opportunities to love more passionately, to give more
selflessly, and to forgive more easily.

The Imaginarium of a Douche Bag Genius

•January 12, 2012 • Leave a Comment
My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy (Banned cover), 2010

My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy (banned cover), 2010

Lately, I’ve been obsessed with Kanye West’s album, My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy.  I know he’s arrogant, unstable, unreasonably outspoken, and a lot people hate him…but this album is pure brilliance!

Long story short?  Kanye is my favorite douche bag genius!

Check out this surprisingly mythic, beautiful, and haunting short film/extended video:

Do We Create Our Own Reality or Is It All Up To Chance?

•January 1, 2012 • Leave a Comment
C'mon, O!  I need to know if it's true or not!

C'mon, O! I need to know!

A popular theme in the Church of Oprah is that our thoughts are like magnets and that we attract to us what we intentionally focus on in our minds. The Secret, the Law of Attraction, the Power of Intention, Creative Visualization, Conscious Creation…Whatever you call it, it all adds up to the same thing: the power of the human mind to materialize physical things and events or internal states. Every few years or so it gets repackaged with a new paint job to appeal to a new audience.

In fact, the first book that got me hooked on metaphysics was Creative Visualization by Shakti Gawain.  This was in stark contrast to my Roman Catholic upbringing (“God’s Will be done”) or what science class taught me about the uncaring laws of physics.  Since then I’ve been drawn again and again to the idea that I might have a little authority over how my life turns out.  And struggle with it too!  Are we the masters of our ship or the pawns of fate?  Or is it like Forrest Gump said, “Maybe it’s both.  Maybe both are happening at the same time.”

In the dream state it’s easy to see that we have a direct connection with creating our reality.  But even in highly lucid dreams there are times when you can’t control aspects of the dream.  Dream characters with a life of their own.  Sloppy flight patterns.  Waking up when you don’t want to.

So what about it?  Can we, using the imagination, intention, and good ol’ fashioned stubbornness, create the life we want in waking, physical reality?

One area that consistently confounds me is the weird and wacky world of romantic relationships.  As in, I ain’t got one!  And with the recent passing of my mother and the fact that I’m “kissin’ 40” I’m starting to wonder if I’ll ever find that soul partnership or die alone.  When you’ve faced failed relationships, a slew of near misses, and a billion sparkless first dates, it’s easy to be fatalistic about the whole damn topic.

I’m not too big into New Year’s resolutions.  I made one in the mid nineties and have pretty much stuck to it since.  To be as honest as possible with myself and others.  But this year, I want to know: Can we alter the state of our lives and draw in seemingly impossible events?

So here’s the rub.  I’ll be using two books that claim to use the Law of Attraction in the area of love as my guides: Mindful Loving by Dr. Henry Greyson and Calling in “The One” by Katherine Woodward Thomas, M.A., MFT.  Both authors are intelligent, educated people that have stepped out of the box a bit and claim that you can transform your relationships or reel one in.  Both books focus on internal transformation and have nothing to do with game playing or manipulation (like so much of the relationship advice you hear).

A brief video of Henry Grayson:

And here’s Katherine Thomas:

Who knows what to expect?  I’ve read both these books before (and you can see how that turned out!) but want to take some time to immerse myself in the material now that I’m not in such a frantic place about love.  Basically, I don’t give a shit these days.  Well, that’s not true or I wouldn’t be doing this experiment.  Okay, I don’t give as much a shit!  LOL.

I’d love to know from others if they’ve seen results from this stuff?  To encourage me or even just to commiserate about shared failures!

The Incredible Hulk Is My Psychoanalyst! (Does My Insurance Cover This Session???)

•December 31, 2011 • 5 Comments

Somebody's grumpy in the morning!

Here’s a little secret that the Incredible Hulk told me as he crashed through a wall and I dodged dangerous bricks and shards of glass. (No Lie!)

The secret was this: The purpose of life is to live!

Mind you, this wasn’t a game of “Telephone” and a whisper in my ear or anything. It was practically a nuclear explosion!


Animalistic. Desperate. Raw.  There was a whiff of a scared little boy caught in the crack of his roar.  People were darting in all directions and the military was circling overhead in helicopters.  I was terrified, scrounging for a hiding place.  An every man for himself moment.

The night before (actually for weeks) I had been grieving and struggling with the death of my dear mother who passed a few months earlier.  I just couldn’t find the energy to do anything.  The present was hell.  The future seemed bleak.  The past was all I longed for.  I wanted to drug myself into oblivion with sleep.  At least in dreams I could see my mother (even if some of the dreams were nightmarish in quality as I relived her death or saw her body ravaged by the cancer and chemo).  But this night the ache was bad.

Then the Hulk bashed his way into my dreamscape.  A quirky nightmare with a superhero flare.  Some part of me needed to stir up that primal “id” (or was it more than that) to fight back.  Fight back the thoughts of pessimism, cynicism, and resentment.

And it worked.  Oh, the grief is still there and all the doors still seem closed to me.  I still feel like I’m floating around without anything tethering me to the world.  I still feel bleakly alone.  But I now remind myself of this wisdom from an unlikely source: The purpose of life is to live.  Nothing more.  Nothing less.  This spoke to me on many levels.  It reminded me that suicide isn’t a solution.  It taught me that life doesn’t always “feel” purposeful and that we’re not always going to be in the places that we want.

It also reminded me that something inside of us is wiser than our normal waking consciousness and tries to thrust us beyond our current debilitations.  Whether you call it the subconscious, pulsing electrical synapses, or the soul, some “thing” is pushing dirt up and punching an arm out of the ground like some weird enlightened zombie to get our attention.

And all we gotta do is listen to those faint crazy voices we hear when the world shuts up, and watch those little artsy fartsy movies that play out when we close down our logic centers for a little bit.

So here’s to all the Zombie Buddhas and Aristotles picking the worms out of our brains!